02 junho 2012

Uma crise em si não diz que tipo de resposta prevalecerá

Na disputa entre forças de esquerda e direita, leva a melhor quem estiver bem preparado para apresentar soluções objetivas e imediatas e que seja capaz de mobilizar diferentes grupos em torno de uma coalizão.

As crises, em si, só abrem as oportunidades. Quem vai aproveitá-las melhor é outra história.

Esta é a opinião da cientista política Theda Skocpol, em entrevista à "Juncture", revista de políticas públicas de um centro de pesquisa e opinião ("think tank") progressista:

Juncture: On the face of it, the financial crisis was a crisis of the right and
yet the left has not been able to take advantage. Why do you think this is?

Theda Skocpol: Well it helps to keep two things in mind. First, when a crisis strikes what is already prepared will shape the response and, second, the timing of the crisis matters too. Let me elaborate on both these factors.
The lesson looking back over the modern history of democracies is that a crisis itself doesn’t create the response: a crisis simply creates an opportunity for the well-prepared. History also shows that whatever forces
and ideas were in play going into a crisis usually get either intensified or
are often successfully adapted during that crisis. The crisis struck in 2008
after a long period of decline of the labour unions, particularly in the private
sector, and a long period of intellectual hegemony for free market ideas
and the idea that government stands in the way of economic recovery
and progress. So it was very difficult to assemble a popular organised
coalition that could suddenly present an alternative to the solutions that
were being suggested by the financiers who created the crisis in the first
place. Essentially, the failure of left forces in many countries to build broad
coalitions with democratic roots over time really meant that they weren’t in
a position to do that much.

“ The failure of
the left in many
countries to build
broad coalitions
with democratic
roots over time
meant that they
weren’t in a
position to do
much when the
financial crisis
Read the complete interview

Entrevista completa

Juncture: IPPR's Journal. The Institute for Public Policy Research, is the UK’s leading progressive thinktank.
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