
30 janeiro 2020

Dependency theory reloaded

Now to explain China-Latin America Relations

The book argues that it may be useful to revamp dependency to interpret China's new relationships with developing countries, including Latin America. Economic links with China have become important determinants of the region's development. 

Stallings discusses the dependency debates, reviews the way dependency operated in the US-Latin American case, and analyzes the growing Chinese presence within a dependency framework.

In the 1970s and 1980s, dependency analysis was a popular way of approaching this topic, but it later fell into disrepute.  She then suggests "a way to deal with one of the main criticisms of dependency: the lack of specificity about its mechanisms. This involves three mechanisms – markets, leverage, and linkage – that Stallings argue can help to understand the relationship between external and internal factors in determining the development process." (page 3).

Source: Stallings, B. (2020). Dependency in the Twenty-First Century?: The Political Economy of China-Latin America Relations (Elements in Politics and Society in Latin America). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108875141.

The book is free to download (pdf) at this link (Cambridge) or at this alternative link (Google Docs).

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