
28 dezembro 2019

O tijolo comunista


Paulo Freire dizia que era alérgico a regimes totalitários. Se definia antes como um cristão e humanista - e não como um comunista. Mas há controvérsias.

Leia o artigo completo em Carta Maior 

18 dezembro 2019

The History Manifesto

Leading historians David Armitage and Jo Guldi identify a recent shift back to longer-term narratives, following many decades of increasing specialization, which they argue is vital for the future of historical scholarship and how it is communicated.

This provocative and thoughtful book makes an important intervention in the debate about the role of history and the humanities in a digital age. It will provoke discussion among policymakers, activists and entrepreneurs as well as ordinary listeners, viewers, readers, students and teachers.

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16 dezembro 2019

O Reino Desunido de Boris Johnson

Resultado de imagem para Boris-Johnson

Seria bom se a direita fosse direita; se o centro fosse centro; se a esquerda fosse esquerda; e que os extremismos fossem apenas pontos fora da curva, e não representantes da maioria.

Leia o artigo completo na Carta Maior.

O Brasil precisa de uma opinião pública melhor informada, atenta e democrática.
As manifestações presentes neste blog são de caráter estritamente pessoal. 
Para seguir o blog e receber postagens atualizadas, use a opção "seguir", ao lado.

05 dezembro 2019

Experience Jazz in Your Life

The Duke Ellington Orchestra performs 'Take the A Train' with singer Bette Roche in the film Reveille with Beverly, January 1943.

A jukebox of big bands, jazz orchestras and jazz vocalists.

Welcome to the club!

Enjoy, have your party and spread the news.

Open the Winamp player (use this link) if you prefer to use the "shuffle" option.

Listen to the music
Click the "play" button (below). Any time you don't like the music, skip it.

The Duke Ellington Orchestra performs 'Take the A Train' with singer Bette Roche in the film Reveille with Beverly, January 1943.

Something to remember about jukeboxes:
When Homer Capehart invented and sold his record changer mechanism to the Wurlitzer Company, in 1933, it was a great revolution in music listening habits. The mechanism was adapted by Wurlitzer to produce what would be known as  jukeboxes.
When jukeboxes entered the scene, big bands and swing jazz music were in the top hits. Jukeboxes became common in bars, ballrooms, ice cream parlors, barbershops, restaurants, and drugstores.
At first, the great record companies worried that jukeboxes would provoke a decline in record sales, but just the opposite happened.
The intention of this jukebox is to show some kind of music that many people simply don't know.
Once big bands, jazz orchestras and jazz vocalists were everywhere.
Here they ride again.
Thank you for listening.