
14 junho 2012

Hollande, um crítico de Mitterrand?

Segundo a "Foreign Affairs", o presidente francês achava o governo socialista de Mitterrand excessivamente dedicado aos mais ricos.

Hollande seria um socialismo francês em nova fase?

"He arrived at numbers showing how affluent classes had actually benefited economically during the 1980s, under the administration of France's first Socialist president, François Mitterrand. Inequality was already Hollande's cause: He never showed as much pugnacity as when he denounced the hypocrisy of a bourgeoisie always whining about the state's redistributive policies and scheming to retain its privileges".

Leia a matéria completa na Foreign Affairs.

Camille Pecastaing

Far from an improbable, uncharismatic president, Francois Hollande has been working quietly for decades as the bearer of a clear -- if utopian -- vision shared by many Europeans. He has studied the failures of the Fifth Republic's only other socialist leader, François Mitterrand, and is determined not to repeat his mistakes.

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